The Top 3 Podcasts for Software Developers

Go Time by Changelog


This is the podcast to keep up-to-date with all things Go. The jokes are nerdy and the hosts are sometimes not as funny as they think they are, but the content is great and they have a wide set of guests in the show that make it a must for all people who write go for a living

Developer Tea by Jonathan Cutrell


I just found out about this podcast about a month ago by searching for “best podcast for developers” I really like it! the author discusses the psychological aspect of coding. He gives useful advice about thinking through common situations. The backlog Psychology series is on point. I also enjoyed his post about estimation and why we always get it wrong. link to blog post

Co-recursive by Adam Gordon Bell


This podcast goes in-depth about all things sofware development. He brings interesting people working on hard problems. I learn something new each episode.